Today, running a small business is comparatively easier than in the past. A major reason behind this is the evolution of technology. Now, there’s a diverse range of tools/software available to share our responsibilities.
However, the changing digital landscape also poses significant security threats, with data security being the most prominent one. While large corporations may take extensive measures to secure their data, small businesses often don’t have the resources to do so. It’s still as important for them to protect their data as it is for big companies.
In this article, I offer some tips that may provide top-notch data security for small businesses. But before that, I’m going to explain data security. So, shall we start?
What is Data Security?
Businesses, whether large corporations or small ventures, have sensitive data in their systems. It can be personal, client, financial, or strategic data which are all vital for business operations. To protect that data, companies take solid security measures so that no unauthorized entity accesses, controls, or tampers the data in any way.
Why Should Small Businesses Prioritize Data Security?
Prioritizing data security is vital because if the company’s data is breached, it may lose the trust of its clients. Plus, small businesses may also face legal issues, bear financial losses, or lose their business operations altogether.

That said, if solid data security measures are in place, it will significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and undermine hackers’ efforts to steal the data.
What Measures Can You Take to Protect Your Data?
Although there’s a long list of “dos” every small business should implement to secure the data, I’ll stick to some of the most important ones:
Secured Internet Connection:
A reliable internet connection is the first line of defense in data security. It’s because most of the work is done on the internet and if it’s not secured against threats, then hackers may easily steal the data.
That said, your aim should be to subscribe to a reliable internet connection that offers maximum network security. As for me, I’ve subscribed to Spectrum because, besides the internet speeds I need, I get access to their security suite. The security suite efficiently blocks viruses and malware on the internet and it’s free with all the Spectrum Internet packages.
Virtual Private Network:
A virtual private network (VPN) may be the ultimate tool to help small businesses secure their data.
As soon as you connect to a VPN, it establishes an encrypted tunnel between the VPN server and the device. The data you send or receive first moves through this encrypted tunnel and then heads to its destination. This way, the VPN encryption safely lets you browse the internet or send/receive data without any interference from hackers.
Moreover, viruses may not be able to attack your device when connected to a VPN. It’s because a VPN also alters your device’s original IP address and assigns it a fake one. With this, your device becomes unrecognizable to websites you visit on the internet. Consequently, hackers or viruses may fail to recognize and infiltrate your device. So, this is how a VPN can offer more protection to your data and devices.
A firewall may be a hardware or software that acts as a barrier between your device and potential security threats lurking on the internet. At its most basic, a firewall constantly monitors the incoming and outgoing data of your device.

As soon as the firewall detects a virus or malware, it may stop them from entering your system. Plus, a firewall may also warn you before visiting a malicious website or block it altogether.
Device Updates:
Updating your device regularly might be the easiest, yet crucial way to ensure your data safety. With time, our devices’ security measures become obsolete or hackers may find a way to get past them. Keeping this in mind, the manufacturers may frequently send updates that include patches to fill the existing security loopholes and bug fixes.
Bonus Section: Common Viruses to be Aware of:
Although hackers may attack your data in numerous ways, the following are the most frequent viruses to come across:
Phishing Attacks:
Phishing attacks are not viruses or malware but deceptive methods that hackers may use to trick you into revealing sensitive information. These deceptive methods may include spam emails, messages, or malicious links.
Malware is a combination of two words “malicious” and software”. It’s an umbrella term for different viruses such as adware, trojans, and spyware. The malware may be in different forms, but the objective is the same; to steal user information.
Spyware is a type of malware that collects data stealthily. In most cases, you may not even know that spyware is installed on your system and stealing information.